We recently attended the
annual North
West Alcohol Conference in Liverpool for the second
year running. PhD students Inge Kersbergen, Natasha Clarke, Lisa Di Lemma, Jay
Duckworth and Pawel Jedras summarise the highlights.
Inge Kersbergen
After a general
introduction by Sir Ian Gilmore, John Holmes started the day with a talk about
Minimum Unit Pricing, the ineffectiveness of the ban on below cost sales and
the complicated politics of alcohol taxation. Pricing influences what and how
much alcohol people buy and, consequently, how much they consume. So pricing
policies are likely to affect consumption rates and alcohol related harm. The
ban on below cost sales stops
retailers from selling alcohol below the cost of duty + VAT. The ban affects the price of less than 1% of
alcohol products sold and reduces alcohol consumption by only three units a
year (equivalent to a large glass of wine). This makes it a non-policy at best.
MUP creates a minimum
price for alcoholic drinks that depends on the strength. With a suggested 45p
per unit, that would put the minimum price for a pint of normal strength lager
at 90p, which is a lot higher than the cost of duty + VAT. The Sheffield
Alcohol Policy Model estimates that MUP exclusively targets heavy drinkers’
consumption and alcohol-related harm, as it only increases the price of cheap
alcohol and does not affect drinks that are generally consumed by moderate
drinkers, regardless of their income level.
One criticism of MUP is
that it would increase revenue for retailers, so the extra income cannot be
spent on public health. A possible solution would be to increase taxes so they
act like MUP. This requires an overhaul of the tax system, as in the current tax
system not all drinks are taxed the same. Some drinks are taxed based on
strength, whereas other are taxed on volume. However, that is not the only
problem we would face with a tax increase. Retailers are not required to pass
tax increases directly on to the customer, so they don’t. Research showed that retailers raise the
prices of cheap alcohol below the level of tax increase (undershifting),
whereas the prices of more expensive alcohol are raised above the level of tax
increase (overshifting). They artificially keep cheap alcohol cheap. MUP is
most likely the easiest strategy to implement and works exactly where we need
it most. However, Scotland’s case for the European court
shows that there may be some more hoops to jump through before this can be
Natasha Clarke
Alastair Campbell, Blair’s spin
doctor from 1997-2003, has an ongoing interest in the issue of alcohol abuse
and its prevalence in the UK. A combination of Alastair’s political background
and his experience of tackling his own alcohol abuse gave for a unique and interesting
talk. In the 80s Campbell’s drinking spiralled out of control and led to a
serious psychotic episode and hospitalisation, a wakeup call leading to 13
years of sobriety. His brutal honesty and admittance that the situation could
very nearly have been different led to thought-provoking listening. Campbell also
mentioned his novel, “My name is…”, exploring the
development of alcoholism in a young woman called Hannah.
One point made by Campbell was the madness
of sports sponsorship in the UK. Playing sport emphasises fitness and health,
yet drinking is a central aspect of our sports viewing, a rather conflicting
and damaging message. For example, research has found that
football fans are exposed to roughly two alcoholic
brand references per minute when watching a match, in addition to the
commercial break advertising. These adverts are seen by millions of children,
thus it is an important issue that needs addressing to prevent this level of
exposure to our younger generation.
Campbell (like the majority of the other
speakers) also stressed the importance of MUP, and the near miss last year in its
introduction after a back track from David Cameron due to heavy pressure from
the alcohol industry. He urged those at the conference to continue the ongoing
support and campaigning for its introduction. In a culture dominated by
alcohol, it’s unlikely that changes will be seen overnight, but it’s vital that
those with an interest in tackling harmful drinking continue to spread the
Lisa Di Lemma
Morton, the Health Improvement Manager for Alcohol and Drugs at Public Health
England (PHE), gave the last talk in the morning. PHE is the national agency, whose mission is to improve and protect the
nation’s wellbeing, and to encourage discussion, advise government and support
actions by authorities and local organizations focusing on health issues.
He began
by briefly reviewing PHE’s seven priorities for the
next 5 years. These priorities represent areas of interest where actions for
improvement are most needed and in which PHE will focus its efforts, such as obesity, smoking and alcohol.
these areas of interests he identified reducing harmful drinking and
alcohol-related hospital admissions as “the” priority, because last year there
were approximately 326,000 alcohol-related hospital admissions. North-West was
the second region in England with the highest rates, and a total annual cost of
£21 billion. Indeed in the past eleven years, since 2001, liver-disease deaths rose 40%. This data contrasts with other
major causes of disease, such as cancer, which has been declining. PHE actions
focus on their usual support for Alcohol Concern Dry
January campaign and in producing their independent
report for the government on the public health impacts of alcohol, and “why
it’s such a public priority”. He acknowledged that PHE will keep presenting the
evidence (argued previously by John Holmes) for the introduction of MUP and the
inclusion of health as a licensing objective. He concluded by emphasizing the
importance of strong partnerships between public and private agencies in order
to impact government decisions and fight the industry approach to “alcohol
Jay Duckworth
Dr Nick Sheron’s talk
was passionate and illuminating. He spoke broadly on the negative consequences
of excessive alcohol consumption in the UK, from the cost – which is estimated
at around £21bn per year (however,
see here) – to the direct
consequences to human mortality. He lamented that during his time at the liver
unit in Southampton, rates of alcohol-related liver disease have steadily
increased – indeed, England and Wales saw a 10-year rise in this
issue from 2002-2012. He was also kind enough to present his “most depressing
slide” – a graph showing 3 conclusions drawn from his team’s data:
- Even though alcohol-related liver disease takes 10 years to develop, ~1/3 of patients die from recent drinking. Thus, an effective intervention could save ~1,500 lives per year (based on 2012 England-Wales data).
- The overall mortality rate for liver disease is ~70%. Also, in terms of sheer numbers, it accounts for more years of life lost than lung, breast, cervical, ovarian and prostate cancer combined.
- We are no better at saving lives in
people who have liver disease today than we were 20 years ago.
A possible contrast
to Dr Sheron’s gloomy talk was witnessing DrinkWise’s TV campaign to convince
parents to minimise alcohol’s influence on children (I say “possible” as some
may find the advert at least as scary as Dr Sheron’s figures). The advert
features “The Party Fox”, who manages to lure children into a world
where alcohol is both the solution to all life’s problems and the only way to
celebrate a good time, while simultaneously possessing the ability to instil a
feeling of creepiness in the audience not achieved since Carrot Top started
hitting the gym. A well-made film.
The “Breakout
Session” Public Health Master Class
consisted of a great panel and lots of great discussion; however, I’m going to
focus on the less-than-stellar aspects of it here (because this is the internet
and this post hasn’t yet met its quota of negativity). My first contention
concerned DrinkWise director Ali Wheeler’s suggestion that what we really need
is education. This was said frequently and by numerous members of the panel,
with MP Luciana Berger backing Wheeler’s claims and suggesting education as a
central focus for Labour:
How can educating
people about the dangers of alcohol be a bad thing? Berger even offers the
caveat that education isn’t enough. But this is not my contention. Mine
concerns the continually-repeated claim that there is strong evidence for
education as an intervention, but this is so broad a claim as to be essentially
meaningless. What type of education? In what setting should it be administered
and for how long? Who should be targeted? All of these factors have been looked
at and the evidence is inconsistent at best. This was a view shared by Professor Harry Sumnall:
The same was said of
alcohol labelling:
Again, the evidence simply isn’t there. This is not to say these proposals should not be
seriously considered, but if we are going to make claims regarding intervention
effectiveness, let’s make sure that they’re based in evidence.
A final point of
contention concerned Liverpool City Council’s idea to implement breathalyser
tests in the city centre in a bid to Say No To Drunks. This topic was ignited by an audience member
but seemed to elicit nods of agreement from some panel members as well as
others in the audience. But the idea is flawed. The limit is set at 70mcg/100ml
of breath – twice the drink-drive limit. That businesses – whose enterprise
depends on selling alcohol – would refuse entry to individuals because they had
consumed a few drinks is ludicrous. Further, given that premises security are
already supposed to refuse access to individuals who look intoxicated, I fail to see what
extra power they would gain.
Overall, these were
somewhat fleeting topics of discussion entered into after a long day of
conferencing; however, I think it’s best to keep our claims about intervention
effectiveness on a tight leash, and always constrained by the evidence.
Without a shadow of a
doubt, MUP was the hot topic of this year’s conference. As presented by Dr John
Holmes from the University of Sheffield the concept of alcohol pricing seems to
be an effective way of tackling problems associated with excessive consumption.
However, we should not forget about the other means of controlling
alcohol-related harm.
Dr Lynn Owens
emphasised the significant role of accurate assessment of alcohol-related
problems based on three factors: drinking behaviour, level of harm and selection
of matching treatment. The ‘every patient is unique’ philosophy may sound like
a cliché, but it is very true when it comes to the treatment of alcohol related
problems. The general public and practitioners need to understand that people
who are at risk, or who experience health problems caused by alcohol use do not
represent a homogeneous population. There is a significant difference between
excessive alcohol use and alcohol dependence. Understanding this difference is
the key to the right selection of care options.
Some health professionals believe that the ‘drink in moderation’
approach is not effective, sends an inappropriate message and is inconsistent
with the addiction
treatment philosophy. However,
the choice of treatment goal should depend on the severity of the problem.
While treatment modalities which focus on the achievement of abstinence could
be more suitable for people with severe dependence, they may not necessarily be
appropriate for people who are not severely dependent. A harm reduction approach
which focuses on a decrease or a normalization of alcohol use seems to be a
more appropriate goal for people who exceed recommended alcohol limits, but
have not been diagnosed with severe dependence.
Research indicates that
a primary care based ‘brief alcohol intervention’ aimed at reducing alcohol
consumption is an effective
method of reducing alcohol use in individuals who are not severely-dependent.
This means that reduction of alcohol consumption in harmful and hazardous
drinkers does not necessarily require a team of addiction specialists and could
be achieved through a brief intervention provided by general practitioners. To
conclude, a widely available intervention for people who misuse alcohol is
crucial for the reduction of alcohol-related harm.
of MUP seems to be an effective way of decreasing overall alcohol consumption however;
the problem of alcohol misuse will never entirely disappear. Prohibition
artificially increased prices of illegal alcohol but it did not prevent some
people from binge drinking - some people will keep drinking excessively no
matter how expensive alcohol is. We can all agree that fire prevention is an
effective way of dealing with fire hazards but it does not mean that we should
undermine the importance of fire departments.
I found the conference to be very informative, I believe that practitioners
would benefit from the better coverage and discussion of treatment related
topics. I am quite surprised that the important and interesting topic of
treatment covered by Dr Owens received only fifteen minutes presentation time.
The improvement of identification and risk-stratification of problem alcohol drinkers
which could lead to better treatment should always be one of the key points of
conferences related to alcohol misuse.
Overall the conference gave us a lot to
think about. The talks were informative, interesting and inspiring and reminded
us why our research is so important. We are very much looking forward to next
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