This post was written by Matt Field for the Mental Elf, you can find the original here.
Alcohol is responsible for approximately 2.5 million deaths
worldwide every year, making it the third largest cause of preventable death
after tobacco and obesity. The economic burden to the UK has been estimated in
the region of £20 billion per year, comprising the NHS bill, costs to employers
and policing costs amongst other things. Reducing harmful use of alcohol is
therefore a top priority, and there are two broad ways that this can be
achieved. Individual interventions focus on the individual
and include things such as medical treatment of people with alcoholism, and
brief interventions delivered to young people in healthcare settings. Whereas population interventions are targeted
much more broadly, and they aim to reduce alcohol consumption and harms in the
population as a whole.
A recent review published in Preventive Medicine investigated
the effectiveness of population-level interventions to reduce alcohol
consumption and associated harms such as drink-driving and alcohol-related
violence. The authors found that overall these interventions were effective but,
as always, the devil is in the detail.
What did they do?
This is a narrative review of previously published
systematic reviews published from 2002 onwards. They identified 52 primary
reviews, and rated them for quality. Twelve were rated as high quality, 29 as
medium and 11 as low quality. Most of
the primary studies were conducted in North America, Northern Europe and
A diverse range of interventions were considered, some examples
of which are listed below (this is not an exhaustive list!):
- Availability – for example policies that restrict opening hours or alcohol outlet density
- Taxation – for example increasing taxes on alcoholic drinks
- Mass media – for example, health promotion campaigns or restrictions on alcohol advertising
- Drink-driving – for example police checkpoints and random breathalysing
- School interventions – for example extra-curricular programmes
- Higher education interventions – for example alcohol-free accommodation.
After grouping the interventions in this way, the authors performed
a narrative review of the systematic reviews.
What did they find?
There was some evidence for the effectiveness of all of the
different types of interventions that were studied, although the consistency
and quality of the evidence was highly variable. A general observation was that there was more
consistent support for regulatory or statutory enforcement interventions as
opposed to local, non-regulatory approaches that targeted particular groups of
- The following types of interventions were consistently supported, amongst others:
- Restricting days or hours of sale
- Reducing alcohol outlet density
- Minimum drinking ages
- Drink-driving checkpoints and patrols
- Mass media campaigns
- Increased taxation
- Other interventions had mixed or weaker support:
- Server-training
- School-based interventions
- Family-based interventions
- Workplace-based interventions
- Restrictions on alcohol advertising, amongst others
- Higher education interventions were consistently shown to be ineffective
- Whereas a long list of other interventions had insufficient evidence to allow a firm conclusion to be reached, some examples include toughened glassware, and promotion of designated driver schemes
The findings from this paper are consistent with two similar
reviews published in 2010. Therefore, for people familiar with those earlier
reviews, the main take-home message is that nothing much has changed in the
previous three years.
The authors noted the
greater pattern of support from the evidence base for regulatory or statutory enforcement interventions over local non-regulatory approaches targeting specific population groups
This can be
seen as good news or bad news, depending on your point of view. Regulatory or
statutory interventions (such as tax rises) normally need to be instituted at
the national or federal level, which means that not much can be done at the
local level. It would take a brave government to introduce some of the more
controversial policies, such as minimum unit pricing, and local authorities are powerless to introduce such
changes on their own, even if they might want to. Even where local authorities
do have the power to change things or introduce new policies (for example
attempts to control of the density of alcohol sales outlets), these are often
challenged by conflicting regulations.
Given the
diversity of interventions that were considered, you might wonder if this is a
case of “noise in equals noise out”. The authors were aware of this risk, and
they comment that any bias that is present in primary studies is compounded by
additional layers of bias at the systematic review stage, and a further layer
of bias at the next stage of summarizing all of those systematic reviews.
However, the authors did their best to mitigate against this, by coding the
systematic reviews for quality and plotting the consistency of evidence in
different domains.
The authors
also noted that some more recent population-level interventions, such as
minimum unit pricing, could not be considered because there were not enough
primary studies to warrant a systematic review of their effectiveness.
Therefore, this kind of uber-review really needs to be repeated every few
years, in order to capture the effectiveness of novel interventions.
Link to paper:
Martineau F, Tyner E, Lorenc T, Petticrew M, Lock K (2013) Population-level interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm: an overview of systematic reviews. Preventive Medicine, 57, 278-296.
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